Maybe Home isn’t a Place, Maybe it is...
Home has always been just a place for most of us. A tangible structure built by stacking bricks and mortar. This website is about a subculture where home isn’t a piece of land or a house it is allthe little things. Here, home can be anything in the world. It can be the shared comfort of a warm blanket with your loved one, a cup of coffee with a friend, or a Sunday morning tussle for the newspaper with your furry friend. Maybe home isn’t a place, maybe it isn’t made up of bricks and cement or drywall or soil. Home has less to do with a piece of soil than, you could say, with a piece of soul. Click here to go to the website!
Home has always been just a place for most of us. A tangible structure built by stacking bricks and mortar. This website is about a subculture where home isn’t a piece of land or a house it is allthe little things. Here, home can be anything in the world. It can be the shared comfort of a warm blanket with your loved one, a cup of coffee with a friend, or a Sunday morning tussle for the newspaper with your furry friend. Maybe home isn’t a place, maybe it isn’t made up of bricks and cement or drywall or soil. Home has less to do with a piece of soil than, you could say, with a piece of soul. Click here to go to the website!

April 2020